you need nokia x tool from same page search it i upload it in older post also install adb drivers when you open nokia x tools it shows adb driver button install from there
then you need persists image file download from here rename the file persist.img
next you need to download minimal adb and fastboot devices from here and install them
next you will open nokia tool and click the box that is named reboot bootloader your nokia will be restart in bootloader mod
now open adb and fastboot tool and type the following commands and flash persists img file in nokia x
1- open fastboot then type
adb devices
..then it will show ur devices..
2- then typeCode:
adb reboot bootloader
it will reboot ur device to bootloader mode
3- then typeCode:
fastboot -i 0x0421 devices
it will show your device
4 - then typeCode:
fastboot -i 0x0421 erase persist
5- then last
fastboot -i 0x0421 flash persist persist.img
make sure that persistimg is in the folder of fastboot
all in the end reboot your cellphone in normal mod access your wifi place your pass-code and enjoy ... best of luck