Install Android Studio on Ubuntu Linux

To install Android Studio IDE 1.0.1 on Ubuntu, visit, download Android Studio for Linux.

Follow the steps in to set up Android Studio on Linux.
  1. Unpack the downloaded ZIP file into an appropriate location for your applications.
  2. To launch Android Studio, navigate to the android-studio/bin/ directory in a terminal and execute
    You may want to add android-studio/bin/ to your PATH environmental variable so that you can start Android Studio from any directory.
  3. Follow the setup wizard to install any necessary SDK tools.
about JAVA_HOME:
Before run Android Studio, you have to set JAVA_HOME on your system, point to JDK. Otherwise, will have error of "'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath. Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE."

To setup JAVA_HOME on Linux, refer last post "Setup JAVA_HOME and path to JDK on Linux".

Refer next post up Update Android Studio.

Install Android Studio on 64-bit Ubuntu 15.10 with Ubuntu Make