Cydia version 1.1.11
Saurik has released an updated version of Cydia that is easier and faster to use, with new features, a better-organized user interface, bug fixes, an iOS 7 styled icon, translations for additional languages, and more.
Here is an overview of the changes with screenshots
New Features/Changes
- Sections tab has been replaced with Sources tab
- Sections can be managed under Sources
- No more annoying Reloading bar on the top. Reloading will be done in the background with more details and cool graphics
- A new red loading bar on the top of Cydia Home page
- A new Installed tab instead of Manage tab
- Easily usable installated tweak functions
How to Update Cydia ?
- You need a jailbroken iPhone first
- Open Cydia and wait till it reloads data
- It will automatically prompt to install updates
- Choose ‘Upgrade Essentials’ (because at the moment it prints error when updating all)
- Confirm and install updates
- Restart SpringBoard ! Done