Mega -the long-anticipated file sharing and cloud storage site from Kim Dotcom. Mega is focused on end-to-end encryption. This means that files are encrypted both on upload and on download.
With Mega, things are a bit different. While users can share specific files to other Mega users or via email, the URL to a file doesn’t contain a file name; instead, a cryptographic key is appended to the URL. Without this key, you can’t access the file. Once decrypted by the server, a user has the option to download the linked file.
Disadvantages of current Mega Download System
- You can’t resume the download if your internet connection is lost.
- you can’t reach your full download speed.
- you have to download a complete file in one go.
Solutions we have
We got solutions.You can use Mega downloader or Internet download manager. Complete instructions are given below.
How to Download using Megadownloaderthis is the easiest method,but not the fastest.you can also pause,resume your downloading in this way.
- Download and install MegaDownloader – [Download Link]
- Run MegaDownloader and add the Mega links to the downloader using the ‘add links’ button. [image]
- The file in the link will be shown , just click ok and start downloading the file. [image]
How to Download using Internet Download Manager(IDM)this method takes some time, but downloading speed is awesome.but you can’t pause your download in this method
- Download and install Internet Download Manager(IDM) - [Get full version here]
- Go to A Unrestrict.li webpage and create a free account – http://unrestrict.li
- Login in to the unrestrict and paste the Mega url in the box provide under the download menu [image]
- Click on the ‘Unrestrict links!’ and copy the download link and paste it in the IDM and start downloading [image]
Links and Downloads