Nearly a year's worth of whining and rumor-mongering has finally paid off: Grand Theft Auto V is coming to PC this fall, a full year after its debut on last generation's Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles. And, for the console crowd, it's also making its way onto the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
The game moved almost a billion dollars in product in its first day last year, so a next-gen/PC release seemed inevitable—it lets Rockstar both double-dip on those who want the definitive version and rope in the (few) people who missed the game the first time around.
Furthermore, you'll be able to transfer your progress from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game to your next-gen platform of choice.
The new version of Grand Theft Auto V will, of course, probably feature higher-resolution textures, anti-aliasing, better lighting, better weather, more traffic, and all the other graphical bells and whistles we've come to expect with this sort of repackaging.
But that's not the point . Not really.
The big excitement with a PC version of GTAV is mod support. Grand Theft Auto IV is still one of the most hilarious repositories of mod content six years after release. Like, for instance, this amazing but absolutely terrifying Toy Story mod. Or this silly Flappy Bird knockoff.
This was the crime Rockstar inflicted by never putting out a PC port of Red Dead Redemption—we never got to explore a fully-modded version of the Old West. And, of course, it was Red Dead's PC snub that made people wonder whether we'd ever get a PC version of GTA V at all.
It's coming. It's real. Now, as to whether you want to play it, our former staffer Alex Wawrowould like a word with you on that point.